Bentonville Preparatory understands that the first year of life is an essential time for your child’s development. We provide every infant with a safe, secure environment and a lot of warm adult interaction. This encourages infants to develop physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally.
Because every infant has a unique routine for eating, sleeping, and playing, parents and caregivers establish a personalized plan that is continually updated to meet individual needs. Growth and developmental milestones are shared with parents and recorded on a daily basis. Rooms are filled with books, blocks, and toys to encourage discovery and awareness. Explorations of texture, color, pattern, size, shape, smell, sound, and taste are all encouraged. Lots of movement, songs, books, and puppets are integrated on a daily basis.
Each child has a personal crib, providing a sense of familiarity and comfort. Infants are encouraged to reach, grasp, kick, hold, pull, crawl, and stand. We also provide many cognitive experiences for your infant. Caregivers model social language skills such as “please” and “thank you” so infants become familiar with language and sound. Caregivers in the infant classroom make note of activities which engage each child and promote these with positive reinforcement. They expand on each experience at school using rich vocabulary, strong connections, and consistent care.
Infant classrooms provide personal, warm and loving care in a colorful, stimulating, clean, and healthy environment. The small child to teacher ratio in these classes allow for plenty of one-to-one interaction.
211 SE 34th Street Suite 13 Bentonville, AR 72716